
Showing posts from June, 2024

Peter Stanbury Salmond

Sadly, I can find very little about this man.  He was born on 19 th October 1914 in Inverkeithing at 5 Bannerman Avenue. His parents were Thomas Millar Salmond and Mary Louise nee Phillips He had one elder brother, Charles Millar Salmond, born in Sliema, Malta six years earlier His father gave his occupation as civil engineer but in 1903 the London Gazette announced his appointment to work for the Admiralty (i.e. Royal Navy - at the time the most powerful navy in the world): At the time peter was born, he was probably working at the Royal Navy Dockyard in Inverkeithing at the time.   By 1921 his father's work had taken the family to London where he now worked at the headquarters of the Admiralty in the Chief’s Department (later Navy Works Department).  The Salmonds lived at 4 Birchington Road, Crouch End, N8: Peter attended the High School of Glasgow so it's likely the family moved to Glasgow around the mid 1920s. Then there is a huge gap in the record, of around 15 years

The first 20

This is a clickable list of my posts.  Please don't try to make sense of the order I am doing them in - it started out as alphabetical, then went to chronological, then to people buried in the local cemetery and finally to the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the fighting in Normandy. Kenneth Grant was a cook in the army, died being flown to hospital in Sicily in 1944 George Hercus fought through North Africa and was killed fighting with the Black Watch a few days after D-Day Robert Carnochan was a navigator in the Merchant Navy and died in an accident shortly after landing troops in Sicily in 1943 Charles Macdonald died in a sadly typical 1915 attack where his company had to run at the Germans across 300 yards of open ground John Douglas , a cashier, joined up within weeks of the start of WW1, but during training with his battalion, he contracted TB and came home to die. John Young was an engineer who travelled the world but came home in 1914 to do war work before joining the Ro

Thomas Archibald Blythe

If any of Thomas's relatives want to contact me they can do so at Thomas was born at 4.15 in the morning on 14th October 1914 at 11 Danes Drive, in the Scotstoun area of Glasgow. His father, Bruce Crawford Blythe was an engineer, who had married his mother, Anne Monteith Blythe just over ten years earlier.  Anne's father was Thomas Archibald, thus the name was 'inherited'. Thomas was the youngest of four children; his elder siblings were Annie Monteith (1905), Norman Crawford (1908) and Alison Joyce (1910). In the 1921 Census the family still lived at 11 Danes Drive, now with  two spinster aunts (on his mother’s side).  His  father occupation was manager of Thermos Flooring Company. His parents were at 11 Danes Drive until at least 1930. After attending Hillhead High School, Thomas (Tom) started work at the Albion Motor Company.  They had a factory on South Street in Scotstoun and were a major manufacturer of trucks and buses until 1980 (

William Brockhill

This photo was taken around June 1944 in Sussex and is of officers and men of an unspecified RAOC unit.  The men in this story are either in this phot or looked very like them. William Brockhill was born on 22 nd August 1907, 6.10pm, at 27 Broomhill Terrace in the Thornwood area of the west end (as you drive from Crow Road onto the junction with the Clydeside Expressway it is just off to the left). His father, Fred (Frederick George Brockhill), was a leather merchant, specialising in Chamois.  Fred  had married William's mother, Margaret Hastie Wardrop, two years earlier.  William had one brother, Eric George, born as he approached his ninth birthday. William attended Glasgow Academy and was active in the  Scouts.  However, his father died when he was fifteen. After school he worked in a bank and in 1936 (dated 17th October), the Milngavie and Bearsden Herald contained the following news: Frustratingly the article does not give an address and I have not been able to find a refer