James Alexander Fisher


James Alexander Fisher was born on 27th February, 1918 at 109 Stonelaw Road, Rutherglen.  His father, William Wotherspoon Fisher, gave his occuptaion as company secretary.  His mother was called Marjory (nee Macfarlane).  James was their second son.

He attended Glasgow Academy and probably started work somewhere as he was 21 when war broke out.

He joined the RAF and in early 1941 he was at 15th Flight Training School.  

This photo is not of James but shows teaching in progress at the same RAF base.

His training must have been fairly well advanced because on 11th February 1941 he was flying an Oxford II (photo at the top of the page) on his first solo flight at night.  The weather changed and fog came down.  While trying to land at RAF Weston-on-the-Green, the plane flew into the ground and James was killed.

This is an aerial view of Weston-in-the-Green:

The Milngavie and Bearsden Herald of 15th February 1941 carried the news:

As can be seen, William and Marjory received the news at their home, 7 Carse View Drive, Bearsden; the house name, Kindrogan, is a place in Perthshire, about 10 miles east of Pitlochry.


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